Welcome To The Wonderful World of Aroma, My name is Erica and I am the Founder of Ms.Erica's Fragrance Candles. I wanted to Introduce myself and ask that you get comfortable with our Brand as a household name. We have been around creating candles for over 15 years and I must tell you that it is Our recipe that has landed us as #1 In Pleasing Aroma. It warms our hearts to be able to time after time again offer a product that brings any home to life. We believe if you can Imagine it , We can make it happen. No more of those days where you get candles and can barley smell the scent. With Ms.Erica's Custom Home Fragrance Sets, Aroma quickly fills the room and set that tone. Our Triple scented blends makes a statement without saying a word. The Custom Fragrance Bags will last you a month, even if your burn yours everyday. We ask that you set up a Fragrance set in a room and allow it to gravitate throughout your home. These are good for house warming gifts and those gifts just to say Thank you.
This is one of those times where I can honestly say Please don't let the packaging fool you. We are trying to keep all cost affordable so that we can reach more homes as we work to become a Household name. We do understand that you have to pay for your shipping and handling so we try our best to keep the prices affordable so that we all can feel as if we are a part of a special movement. Overall it is our recipe that has us #1 in Pleasing Aroma and time after time again you will get that.
If you have not done so, Then you should hurry over and get yours Today. You will be glad that you did. Ms.Erica's Fragrance Candles says If you have a odor in your home that is not becoming to you. Then you should Be coming to Ms.Erica's Fragrance Candles & Chips #1 in Pleasing Aroma.